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I'm a Woman, Hear me Roar! ;)


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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Finally.. you've arrived..


writtern @1:42 AM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I went to Tp's open hse last sat with my aunt.
It was awesome!

and in order for us to get some of the souvenirs, we had to write down our names..
and guess what?!
the person who wrote before me was also called Petrina!!!

I was so shocked!
Literally stunned!
I stood there and stared and looked and double checked, triple checked and continued staring at the paper for about 10 seconds!
I cldn't believe my eyes!
Cos my name is actually rather uncommon,
it's not easy to find it anywhere.
Hmm, but I guess, that it's beoming more popular nowadays.
Hmm, but the person's name was spelled as" Petrinaz"
with an extra "z" at the back.
spoilt the whole sound of the name.

so be it.
I love my name!
It's rather uncommon, unique and sounds pleasant too.
Then again, I've heard of some rather uncommon names too
such as hmm.. Cecil?
and I can't remember the rest, they were so rare, and well, pretty hard to pronounce.
But, when you spell it out, it looks really nice!

Besides that,
I got to try out the virtual simulation device at visual something course =P
I cld control screen. It was like in a virtual world.
you can walk, fly, open doors ect, etc.
Word says that they're planning to use this technology to sell houses.
The potential customers will be able to use this software to have a walkthrough of the house and they can actually see for themselves how the house will look and feel like!
Awesome stuff!

Oh yea, i'm feeling pretty proud of myself today for volunteering for a challenging subject!

Cya den!

writtern @6:52 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2009

sha dong gua


writtern @2:51 AM