Time flies. Real fast. How many of us have not heard of this phrase before.
Life's hectic, very hectic. Poly life. Dun have anything nice to say about it right now. Haha.
I really miss those times I had in kindergarten when we were so happy and carefree without a care in the world. Happy man, those days. Haha. Nevermind, I've a new found passion. Dance. I love it. Yes, but with it I've got to make a whole lot of sacrifices too. Time n sleep plus my very essential TV! They are usually sacrificed. Hahas, but on hindsight, I've gained a lot too.. Better body, better posture and I've picked up a new skill too. Haha.
Right now, there's soo much stuff we've got to do. Reports, study, projects, admin stuff etc etc..